How do I join in the life of this Church?
The journey of discipleship is not linear, it’s cyclical. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to following Jesus. This pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this community we call Freedom Church and an invitation to move deeper into our family. Move at your pace, in the way that matches your journey, and in the timing that fits your limits.
You are welcome here.

Connect Groups are small mid-week communities that meet in people’s homes throughout the area. These groups are the best place to build relationships, get to know others and continue exploring and growing your faith in an environment of mutual support. There are groups that meet on various evenings, and during the day.

We dream of becoming a church marked by radical generosity. 10% of every gift goes directly to supporting justice work both globally and locally through our Freedom Fund?
We are incredibly grateful for every gift we receive. We hope that everybody feels that they can contribute something. We believe that where you give your money, your heart will follow. Most people who are part of Freedom Church give regularly to church - we would love you to be a part of that.

As the people of Jesus, we believe we are called to serve one another and serve our city. Through sacrificial love to others we are actively participating in the Kingdom of God.
We have said already that Church is like a big family where we all have something unique to contribute. Without you we would be worse off. We ask that all partners consider how they could best play their part. There are a number of teams for people with specific skill sets. Teams are a great way to meet new people, explore different ways of serving and truly feel part of Freedom Church.

Becoming a Christian is more than just a one-off prayer, it is a lifetime of choosing to operate the way Jesus would each and every day.
Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday.
It is about becoming a Disciple.
All too often modern discipleship in the church is based on presumptions that are more attuned to an academic system than a biblical apprenticeship. Jesus didn't tell his disciples to listen to him but to follow him and see how 'did' life in relationship with God.
As Freedom Church we are working in partnership with Practising the Way a set of nine discipleship practices that will enable you to flourish as a follower of Jesus.
When it comes to creating new habits it is not easy. It will take time. Find yourself a friend who will hold you to account or maybe you both want to regularly find time to pray then challenge each other.
We are always better together.
Start small. It is better to read one verse a day from the Bible or spend one minute in prayer as you walk to work than start with high expectations and not achieve them. You can always increase the time you spend as it becomes part of your routine. Think quality not quantity.
Lastly some great advice “Keep it simple, keep it real, keep it up.”

The message of Jesus is a contagious Good News story that has been shared from one generation to the next for centuries. Think about it. The only reason you are following Jesus today is because someone told you about him. And someone told that person. And someone else told that person…
Right back through history.
To the point where Jesus stood in front of his friends, the disciples, with some of his final instructions, when he said...
It’s not about you or me, it’s about others. You have received this gift of living a life following the Jesus way, not it is time to share with others.
The Christian word for this is ‘Evangelism’ - telling others the story of Jesus. Inviting them to make the same great decision that you have made.
This is not about going up to strangers in the local coffee shop or standing on street corners shouting at people passing by. This is about telling your story to those you know and love at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner.
Here are some suggested stages that will help you do this:
Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
Spend time in prayer asking God if there is someone near to you that needs you to share your story with them. Start to pray for them regularly and ask God for an appropriate opportunity to tell your story.
Practice telling your story. The Bible encourages us to be prepared to tell our story at all time, with gentleness and respect. So get ready. Keep it simple, keep it short and keep it real. A story has a beginning, middle and end. What were you like before you met Jesus? what happened that caused you to choose to follow him? And what difference has it made to you today? Practice with a friend or in front of the mirror!
Wait for the right moment
The best time to tell your story is more about when someone asks you, not when you want to tell them. Don’t impose or try and shoehorn it into a conversation. If your friend or family member wants to chat about football, politics or fashion then go with that, don’t try to force your passion onto others, however enthusiastic you might be feeling in the moment.
Keep it succinct, make it a normal part of who you are and then make the ask. Would you like to find out more? Why don’t you come with me to church this weekend? I can pick you up and introduce you to people?
Don’t see people as a target to acquire. God loves people. He made people in His image and wants to be in a relationship with all mankind. Our role is simply to re-connect people back to their Father God. It is a privilege and a joy to be a partner in sharing the Good News.
We live in a diverse world with a variety of opinions and options available. But people are looking for meaning in their lives. People are created by God and within each one of us is a longing to discover our creator and purpose. Get praying and inviting and see what might happen as you start to share the story of what God is doing in your life.
You have reached the end of the Freedom Pathway, so maybe it is time to start again, but this time why not take someone else with you.