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the Freedom Church Weekend Away 2025!


Booking On..


We'll be gathering together for our Freedom Church Weekend Away from the 19th–21st July 2024. There will be a load of fun activities, fellowship and fabulous food! To book your tickets that include all meals and accommodation, you can do so HERE . So that we have an idea of numbers for catering, ticket sales will close on Friday 11th July

Booked already? Then Read on...


We hope you are looking forward to this opportunity for Freedom Church to just be family, eating together, being present with one another and seizing every opportunity to have fun. We really believe that it is going to be another great weekend and we are so pleased that you are going to be there!


From the onsite morning service to the Burrito Bar, and from the inflatables to the Freedom Kid’s activities, we believe that every part of the programme is significant. Please continue to join us in praying that over the course of the weekend new relationships would be formed, the whole Freedom Church community would be strengthened, and that God would continue to reveal himself to us throughout all the activities planned.


If you have any questions which are not answered here, please contact the office team

01794 450451 or


And don't forget to join our Freedom Church Weekend Away 2025 Facebook Group HERE where you can keep updated on plans and where we are going to post chats and thoughts as we prepare for the weekend



Thanks for reading on!


The Freedom Church Weekend Away is taking place at:


Lockerley Water Farm
East Tytherley Road
SO51 0LW

If you haven’t been to the site before, then take a look at the map below – look out for the Freedom Church flags. Follow them up the long track to the site.


When you arrive, whether you are staying onsite or offsite, during the weekend please sign in and out on the ‘Sign In’ sheet on the board near the kitchen hatch in the main barn. This will ensure our Fire Register can be updated in case of an emergency.

Site Directions.jpg

If you are staying for the whole weekend (nice one!), you can arrive on site anytime from 12pm on the Friday to set up camp. When you arrive, or after you have parked your caravan, please park your car in the car park. Cars are not allowed on the field during the weekend. There will be a clearly marked route for caravans to follow across the field.


Unfortunately for those camping in a tent, it is not possible to take your car onto the grass, so let’s help each other when unloading our luggage – there are a couple of wheelbarrows on site already! If you are not camping, please arrive no later than 6pm so you don’t miss out on dinner!

Key information

There are 5 things that you need to know.



The Church Weekend Away is all about loving being together

So, please make every effort to be at as many of the activities as possible on the programme particularly the mealtimes, Big Hello, Saturday morning and Sunday morning meetings . All the mealtimes are scheduled and set so please make sure you are ready to eat at those times.



Family is best when everyone mucks in

So, to make sure the Church Weekend runs smoothly, let’s all do our bit to ‘muck in’. Teams to join when you arrive include cleaning the toilet blocks, washing up, preparing for mealtimes, maintaining some sort of order at the drinks station and tidy the main barn. Let’s all make sure to muck in during ‘The Big Clear Up’ at the end of the weekend too before we all head home. At the end of the weekend please leave any accommodation clean and tidy and report any breakages or accidental damage caused to Sim Dendy.



Family is best when we put others first

Therefore, although we don’t have a heap of rules around alcohol consumption, music and bedtimes, we do ask that we are considerate and respectful of each other. Why not seek specific opportunities during the weekend to put someone else first? Perhaps in the queue for lunch? Or in the queue for an early morning shower? And that’s why we all look out for all our children and young people, and why if you see anything that could be dangerous, you should take action straight away.



We hope Lockerley Water Farm will invite our family back

So, we need to do a great job of looking after their site. Please use the bins provided taking care to separate recyclable and non-recyclable waste. Also, if you bring any glass bottles on site, you are responsible to take these home with you to be recycled elsewhere.



We care about each other

Therefore, please follow these four simple rules to protect the safety and enjoyment of the weekend for everyone on site:

  • Cars must be parked in the car parks.

  • Whether you are staying on site or off, during the weekend please sign in and out on the ‘Sign In’ sheet on the board new the kitchen hatch in the main barn.

  • Dogs must be kept on leads at all times around other people. No dogs (other than guide dogs) are allowed inside any of the buildings. All dog litter must be picked up and be disposed of.

  • Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking area – please ask for more information. There must be strictly no smoking in the forest areas or in any of the buildings or accommodation.

  • If you or your child becomes unwell particularly with diarrhoea or vomiting, please do not remain on site. We know this is disappointing for all involved but these bugs are highly contagious so for everyone's wellbeing we ask that you stay at home. 


Parents and carers, please note that any children and young people (under the age of 18) under your care remain your responsibility for the entire weekend except during Freedom Kids when under the care of the Freedom Kids Team. This includes when they are using the inflatables, or the other activities, around the bonfires and during the night. Please make sure to update your children’s details on ChurchSuite, especially regarding your consent.

We are really excited for you to join us as we gather together to grow, make memories and encounter our awesome God. We hope you are looking forward to the weekend “to just be family” together.



Arrive onsite to set up camp



Burrito Bar for grown ups

Hot dog & Chips for the kids!



The Big Hello (main barn)



Selah (upper room) 



Bonfire with Marshmallows




Self-Service Breakfast (main barn)



Lectio Live (upper room)



Family Worship (main barn)



All-In (main barn)


Freedom Kids Programme

(Please drop off your children at 10:00 at the main barn and pick them up at 11:30).


Freedom Youth Gathering

(upper room)



Ploughman's Lunch



The Big Afternoon of inflatables, face painting, family fun games, scenic walk, adults & children's football matches.



Tea & cake (main barn)



Lectio Hour (upper room)



BBQ Dinner



Quiz, Bonfire and Hot Chocolates



Self-Service Breakfast 



All Age Morning Service






Lunch- Juicy Jackets



The Big Clear Up

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